

Office 365 and G Suite

Google’s G Suite or Microsoft’s Office 365? That’s the question. One that many business owners ask themselves but often put aside because weighing the individual functionality seems like a monumental task! We’re here to help end that indecisiveness, so let’s take a look at what each has to offer. Cost and commitment G Suite offers […]

Our 4 favorite web browsers

Internet browsers are a unique type of software. No two browsers share the same list of features and functions, and almost all of them are free. That means you have a lot of options when choosing which is right for you, and that decision isn’t always clear cut. Read on for our take on the […]

Business opportunities with IoT

Many IT experts predict that more businesses will gravitate towards the Internet of Things (IoT). This statement is hard to dispute considering that smart thermostats and refrigerators are already in widespread use. But internet-connected appliances aren’t the only thing IoT has to offer. Here are four other ways your business can take advantage of this […]